Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bulgur Soup or Tuesday lady soup (ashe bibi seshanbeh)


1. Wheat Bulgur 2 cups
2. Combination of all beans (pinto, white, kidney, bird eye etc) and chickpea ones are available (you can also use the mix beans that you can see on grocery stores under the name of soup mix) 1 cup
3. Combination of lentil of spilt pea (yellow and/or orange) 1 cup
4. Lamb or beef cooked and finely chopped (optional) 1 cup
5. Onion 1
6. Oil 2 Tbsp
7. Salt to taste
8. Turmeric 1tsp
9. Cinnamon


Soak bulgur in tab water for a couple of hours. Soak beans as well.
Chopped onion and fry it in 2Tbsp of oil (set aside)
With four cups of water let bulgur boil on high heat stove, when come to boil, turn temperature to low.
After half an hour add beans (no. 2 of ingredients) add water if needs again bring to boil and let cook in lower temperature.
After another 30 minutes add No. 3 of ingredients.
Add Turmeric, salt and fried onion as well.
It needs to be cooked for about 2 hours from now. Check it if needs water and stir it time to time.
You can serve it as a vegetarian soup but if you like meat taste you can add meat as you see in ingredients. It would be fine to add cooked meat anytime after adding no. 2 and
no. 3 ingredients
Serve in a bowl and use some cinnamon powder as a garnish over it. You can also pour a couple of Tbsp of oil or warm butter over the cinnamon.
It can be served with bread and can be a good lunch or even breakfast.


  1. I love this soup! Looks delicious and I'm going to make it soon. Lovely blog!
