Sunday, October 11, 2009


Most of Persian stews are coming with rice, so I will explain how to make it before teaching any stew!


1. Rice 2 cups
2. Salt 2 tbsp
3. Oil 4 tbsp
4. Saffron ¼ tsp


Wash rice and soak it in 4 cup of cold water (Tab water is fine) and salt for about 3-5 hours.
In a large and prefer nonstick pot bring about 8 cups of water to boil. Drain the soaking water and add rice to it. Let it boil for about ten minutes or until rice is ready (check a grain of rice if outside is soft and inside is still hard it is time to drain it)
Drain the rice and pour about 2 cups of cold water over it.

In this stage rice would be good to use in tahchin, stuffed bell pepper (Dolmeh) , rice and meat ball (koufteh) and lima bean and rice.

Wash the pot put on heat and add 2 tbsp of oil. Put a piece of flat bread (pita, tortilla or lavash) or sliced potatoes or 1tbsp of saffron that you have already mixed with ¼ cup hot water.
Using a spatula put the rice on pot, make a cone shape of rice, with a spoon makes also some hole on the rice.
Put lid on, mix the rest of oil with 1/2 cup of water and when the pot get warm add the mixture to it. Cover the pot lid in piece of cloth or paper towel and close tight.
Turn heat to low. You rice will be ready after about 45 minutes.

If you do not have time for soaking the rice just wash it, add 8 cups water and 2tbsp salt and put on high heat, and follow the rest of above directions, it will be ok!

When rice get ready mix saffron with some rice in separate plate, and when put rice in your serving plate spread the mixture over it.
If you like and you are eligible to eat you can use to hot some butter and pour over the rice.

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