Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chicken omelet (Persian style)

I prefer home made chicken stock more that one we buy from grocery store.
So every time I make it for soup I will have some chicken meat leftover.
I already wrote we can use the leftover chicken in other dishes such as Tahchin and Potato salad; here is another dish that you can use your cooked chicken meat on it.


1. Chicken (cooked and cu into very small pieces) 3 cups
2. Egg (extra large) 6
3. Onion (fried) 2 Tbsp
4. Lemon juice 3 Tbsp
5. Saffron ¼ tsp
6. Salt 1 tsp
7. Oil 4 Tbsp


In a large bowl beat the six whole eggs, add fried onion, lemon juice, saffron and salt and mix well.
Combine chicken pieces and mix thoroughly until well blended.
Add 3 Tbsp of oil to a nonstick skillet pan. Add your mixture to preheated oil in the pan and make it flat.
Let one side get fried and cut the food in for pieces, turn the pieces upside down and let the other side also get fried. (Add more oil if you think it needs)

Serve it with bread.

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